You can export your session by doing the following:

1. Click the settings icon and select the “General” tab.

2. Take note of the “Export folder” setting. If you would like to change the location that exported files are exported to, click “Change” and set the path.

3. Note the path that is set.

4. Make sure 360 WalkMix Creator is on.

5. Select the range you would like to export. 

6. Export via Export or bounce:

-Pro Tools: select “File->Bounce Mix” making sure that “Interleaved” is selected for “File format.”

-Ableton Live: “File->Export Audio/Video”

-Logic Pro: File->Bounce->Project or Section“ (⌘B)

-Studio One: “Song->Export Mixdown“ Note: please make sure that there is a selected range and “Between Song Start/End marker” in the “Export Range” is selected. Also make sure that “close after export” is not checked.

-Cubase: “File->Export->Audio Mixdown“

-Nuendo: “File->Export->Audio Mixdown“

-Sequoia: “File->Export->Wave“ or “File->Advanced Export & Track Bouncing“

-Reaper: “File->Render“ Select all the tracks and master tracks, and at the export window select the “master mix + stems“

7. Select the output folder. Please use the path in the “Export folder” above. Important: Exporting to a different path than the path set in the plugin’s “Export folder” setting will not export 360 WalkMix Creator audio.

8. Other Settings considerations:

-For all DAWs: Make sure that the Sample rate is set to 48khz.

-For Pro Tools make sure File Format is set to “interleaved”:

-For Ableton Live: There are no special settings other than setting Sample rate to 48khz.

-Set “24-bit integer” for bit depth.

Please note that online bounce is not supported for this release.